Where is the best place to exchange Norwegian Kroners? Oslo, Dubai, or Asia?
Right now 1 Euro = 9NOK, which is good because I have quite a bit of NOK leftover. My question is should I exchange all of my NOK to EURO before leaving Norway, and then just deal with Euros everywhere I go (i.e. Dubai, Asia).
Or should I hold on to my NOK, and change it little by little in every country I visit.
We are talking about 10,000NOK, and I just need to know if I should change the whole sum in one go in Oslo, (if so, where is the best place offering a no-fee market rate, and please don't say a bank).
If not, do places such as Dubai, other Middle Eastern countries, and eventually South Asian countries accept NOK (in exchange for local curreny (i.e. Dirhams, Rupees) for beneficial rates, like the Euro does? Or will I get burned dealing with NOK outside of Europe?
I'm trying to maximize the currency value of my NOK, and I'd like to know where, and how much to exchange as I keep traveling east.