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When to book flights for Summer

We're trying to time the purchase of airline tickets to England for travel in late June. In general, when is the "best time" to look for flight deals? Is now (late January) too late? Can I hold out to late February in anticipation of Summer deals? When have you booked your trip?

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591 posts

You'll get all kinds of opinions, but my experience has been to book the flights about 3 months out. I don't see any deals right now, so no rush.

Expand your departure airport to include Minneapolis which has Iceland Air - generally good fares and only 1 stop en route (Iceland!). Also include Chicago O'Hare which often has several competitive fares. The 5+ hour drive from Omaha to MSP or 7 hour drive to ORD could very well save you a lot of money.

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1265 posts

Chris - I spent the better part of 9 months searching for airfare for our family vacation to Europe last summer. Then in February we were able to snag great airfare for our vacation thanks to the RS helpline. The only suggestions I have are to find a airfare watch web site and subscribe to it. Also go to airline web sites and check if they have any specials that fall in your date range. Then when you see a fare that is in your ball park go for it.