We are traveling in Oct to London. Taking bus from Heathrow to Bath for a few days. Then back to London for 5 nights. We are staying at, which I believe is in the Victoria Station area.
Winchester Hotel 17 Belgrave Road
London, E17 8, United Kingdom
My question is what Zone is this? What is the best method to use to get to Heathrow airport from the hotel when we fly home. Our flight out is Oct 28, 11:00am. How much time should be allow? including the time at the airport.. Should we move from this hotel to one closer to the airport the night before? We are on a strict budget. I too am a little confused on Travel Card vs Oyster. It sounds like the Oyster pay as you go is the best for us. Do any of these include travel to the airport.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I visited London once for 6 hours. This will be my husband's first first.
One more question. Money Belt of Money Purse around nect? Which is more confortable for women?