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Weather in Ireland May 25.....June 7

What can we expect? Any good websites to check for Current Weather Conditions? Also are ATM's hard to find in Ireland?
First Trip to Ireland.....Any tips would be appreciated.

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1806 posts

Temps in Ireland can vary any given day - and even if the temp may seem mild (50s - 60s), it is often the wind and rain that make it feel far colder than it is. Pack layers (long sleeve and short sleeve shirts, some sweaters or a fleece, and most importantly, a jacket that is wind/waterproof) and you can dress appropriately for all types of weather. can be consulted for average temps as well as current conditions - just type in the city you are going to.

ATMs are all over Ireland - though extremely small villages might only have 1 bank. You are best off if you withdraw a larger amount of cash before you leave a big city and head way out to the countryside for a few days where an ATM may be harder to find.

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196 posts

DITTO. The key is layers. I might pack a pair or two of shorts just in case you get a warm day... rare, but does happen.

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53 posts

Prepare to fall in love--Ireland is truly magical! The weather really is hit or miss. I've gone in May and needed heavy sweaters, down coat, and thermal underwear, and another time in January it was cool but sunny, relatively dry, and not as cold. If you plan to get off the beaten path at all, you'll want some hiking boots that will take mud and water. My favorites--Dingle Peninsula (Rick's driving tour is great), the Dublin walking tours given by Trinity students (see Rick's, of course), Beara Peninsula, mass famine grave at Skibbereen (if that can be a "favorite" thing), Aran Islands (Dun Aengus--wow!--better than the Cliffs of Mohr, I thought), Muckross Abbey and Muckross House near Killarney--and of course, the people. Don't be shy about going into a local pub for a music session--some of my best memories! Enjoy.

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524 posts

My 2006 Ireland trip was roughly the same dates you are going, and the weather was beautiful. Got clearer and warmer each day. I wouldn't count on that though. Like others say, layer up and be prepared for anything.

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147 posts

think Seattle. Prepare for the worst, and hope for the best.

ATM is the way to go, they're all over, start with the airport.

One thing you can count on - rain or shine, you're going to love Ireland

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12 posts


Thanks for the Tips. Appreciate your response. So looking forward to our trip to Ireland and playing a little golf as well.

Thank You

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9 posts

I have to steal a line from an Ireland Yahoo group that I belong to. The list owner lives in Ireland, and her answer to the question of what to expect from the weather: "Asking what the weather will be like is like asking, 'How long is a string?' You just never know what you're going to get!"

I have found that answer to be true, and, if you dress in layers as others have already suggested, you will be a happy traveler in Ireland.

We will be in Ireland this year from May 10 - June 3, so we will experience much of the same weather that you will!

Happy travels!