Two college students are looking for unusual and exciting activities in Dublin or London. Suggestions?
I'd say something related to the outdoors. Maybe skydiving?
How about looking into Sphereing? I don't believe it's in either of the cities you mentioned, but google it; Sphereing UK. You might decide it will be worth the trip. Also, check out the YouTube Spehering in Crewe. It will give you an idea of what it's like. My husband would certainly like to try it (he went skydiving last Valentine's Day), so this should be a piece of cake for him. Me? I think I'd get too dizzy and ruin the rest of my day. But, you might want to research some more to find out where this takes place. It's also known as Zorbing. Check out Wikipedia for Sphereing, too. Hey, it's unusual! Let us know what you end up doing for fun! Enjoy
I'd suggest you post your question on London and Dublin forums. There are a lot more local residents who might be able to answer your question. You also might want to take a look at
Try the ghost walk. Wish I could remember the group that sponsored mine, but there was great history learned about London. It was less about ghosts. I recall we went to the slaughter house area (cattle, not people) and a bar at the end of the tour which had in its basement, the remnants of a pensioners was interesting and explained some how people lived back then--their lives and laws. One certainly did not want to end up in one of these prisons.
I think Ghost Hunters (SciFi channel) actually did an episode in that pub with the pensioner's prison in the basement -- I just saw it on rerun a couple of weeks ago.
The ceromoney of the keys (tower of London )is free and unique