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UK-- June or August?

My girlfriend and I will be making two trips to Europe this year. We'll spend April/May and Sept/Oct in the Schengen Zone, and wish to visit the UK for 3-4 weeks in either June or August.

Does anyone have any thoughts on which of these months might be best?

Key places we'll want to travel to are London, Bath and York-- Wales, Cornwall, Dover and Edinburgh are "maybes." (I understand the latter is a bit crazed in August). I'm an actor and singer, so the West End and Stratford are on the agenda as well :)

Thanks much!

Posted by
11517 posts

Well I have been to London( and some other smaller places in southern England ) four times now. Three times in July or August.. once in March.( never again)

I have never had good weather.. but the "bad" weather in August is at least not freezing, and tends be to a tad drier.. .. lol

So my pick is ( and will be this year again for us) UK=August.

You may luck out and hit some awesome weather in months april -sept.. but truth is the UK is just a rainy place a lot of the time.. so its a gamble .

Somehow doubt the tourist hordes will be much different in either August or June.

Posted by
3398 posts

We've spent a great deal of time in the UK during the summer months between June and September. Total time almost a full 12 months over the years. Our experience has been that different summers will produce different types of weather. Our first trip there was in June and we just about roasted...the grass in the parks had turned brown and it was pretty miserable. Other years we have been there in June and had more cloudy days than not. We spent an entire summer in Oxford and there were stretches lasting several days of both rainy and sunny weather. This summer we were in London from the last week in July till the 3rd week of August - we had plenty of hot, sunny days but when it rained it poured and it was cold.
My experience of Wales and Cornwall is that you will have the wettest weather out there - but it's so beautiful you won't care!
The #1 rule for going to Britain is to make sure you bring clothes and shoes that are appropriate for any weather because you'll be sure to experience it all. It's just part of the wonderful experience that is the UK!

Posted by
521 posts

Keith is absolutely right about the weather. A much more important factor for me would be whether you want to be here during the school holidays or not, when there are generally higher prices and bigger crowds.

Schools in England break up for the summer around the last week of July and go back in the first week of September. In Scotland it's the end of June to August the 11th or 12th. The Edinburgh Festival is pretty much the whole of August.

Posted by
1365 posts

I'd go June......long long days and the schools are not out.
Accom will be much easier.
No guarantees but June is often more settled than Aug,ang if you are heading to the mpuntains of scotland, few miggies.

Posted by
964 posts

I would also say June, for the same reasons cited by previous posters, concerning less crowds and cheaper accommodation.