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Trooping the Colour

Does anyone have advice for us (family of 5) to view the parade? What is the route to and from the horse grounds?m Are there port-a-potties? Food vendors?

we are staying very nearby, so that is a good thing !

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80 posts

thanks for the link to the site. Is there a parade/procession TO the Horse grounds as well as from? Looking for a bit more inperson advice.

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1829 posts

The link gives you the procession details. The procession is from Buckingham Palace down the Mall to Horseguards Parade and back again so not very far.

I think it is worth reading up on the ceremony because it will help you understand why and what is going on. As to facilities being laid on, as far as I am aware and because it is only an hour long, nothing special that is not already set up for visitors in St James' Park, which the Mall goes through, and the areas around and about.

Here is a map of the area showing route and location of public toilets etc

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515 posts

My husband and I were along the Mall last year for the parade to and from the horse grounds. We did not attend the Trooping the Colours, but saw all the pomp and circumstance near Buckingham Palace. The Mall is roped off; after the Queen's procession of carriages has gone by on the way back to the Palace, the ropes are slowly removed and everyone calmly walks out onto the Mall behind some of London's finest bobbies and on to the gates of the Palace. As I posted recently on another question: Being in the crowds along the mall was great fun. We stood behind a little British lady who had come from quite a distance and was so proud to be seeing "my queen" for the very first time, so she was thrilled when her queen rode by in her lovely carriage. When Camilla passed by in a second carriage with William and Harry, (Prince Charles and Princess Anne were on horseback) she shook her head and said, "You know, we lost our poor Diana." After the parade, we gathered right in front of the palace gates to see the family come out onto the balcony and watch the Royal Air Force flyover.
I don't recall portable toilets or food vendors. But then again, we weren't looking. We were solely concentrating on the fun of seeing all the royals and being in the crowds of adoring British folks waving their flags and toting God Save the Queen signs. Very memorable day.