I am traveling from Ireland to Cardiff for one day (a Saturday). I realize I have to leave on a Saturday and return on a Sunday. I was wondering what would be the most inexpensive way to do this. If anyone has any tips, I'd love to hear them. Thanks so much. Have a great day!
You don't say where in Ireland you are travelling from... I would look at the Easyjet website, I'm originally from the UK and my sister and her friends try to avoid using Ryanair at all costs! Often huge delays and from what I hear they think nothing of cancelling flights.
Don't put in the actual day you want to travel into the website, put a day or two beofre or after as it seems to be that the day you enter seems to be the most expensive for the month .. 'Coincidence' dunno, but I took my sisters advice on a recent connection from Barcelona to Bristol and certainly got a cheaper flight that way.