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Tours in Ireland - For singles/solo travel30s/40s crowd rather than couples

Hello. I am staying in Ireland in May for 12 days. I am very excited, yet very overwhelmed on the choices available. There are a lot of tours to choose from and I would like to do two 5 days tours with two different companies to meet more people that way. Or one 5 day tour and a 3 day tour and two day trips. I like tours with activies like hiking and horseback riding, kayaking in addition to just seeing the tourist sites. I have a few questions....
1. The tours seem expensive, is the package deal with lodging and the driving provided with seeing the sites
ok economically, or is more when going on an adventure tour?

  1. I am looking for tours that have a 30s and 40s crowd
    with solo travels rather than families and kids
    and 50s and 60s. Is this even possible to find?

  2. Please tell me which small group (max 13-15) tour companies you enjoyed the most and why?

Thanks so much for your responses in advance!

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1806 posts

I didn't personally go on a tour with Paddywagon, but I stayed in a hostel in Northern Ireland that happened to be a stopover for their group and met a bunch of people from that tour. They seemed to range in age from late 20s to mid 40s - with most in their 30s. There was just one older guy in their group (mid-50s) but he seemed to be having a good time with his tour group. Is having your own room important to you? Paddywagon seems to use hostels and tour members share bunk rooms - but I'm sure for an extra fee, you could see if they offer private rooms in the hostel.

Tours are always going to be more expensive than planning all the arrangements on your own. But if you prefer someone else handle all the driving and making lodging arrangements for you, then a tour can be of value.

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57 posts

Thank you so much! I checked out paddywagons earlier and did not notice the B&B option, so thanks so I could see this time.

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57 posts

Hi All. Still open for many other suggestions. I am apparently quite picky about these tours and the dates and days of the week need to match up for when I am traveling. Thanks!