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Tour or no tour question

We can either do a Mad Max Tour out of Bath or drive from Salisbury to Stonehenge and Avebury. Would we be missing a lot of information if we didn't take the tour? (Besides missing the villages of Lacock and Castle Combe.) I'm an avid planner and reader, so I know we'll get a lot of information either way. Is it difficult to find parking at either site? Thanks for your thoughts.

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2743 posts

We went to Stonehenge and Avebury in July a few years ago, and parking was no problem. I have no experience with the tour, so I can't help you there.

Posted by
98 posts

Hi Char,

As a matter of personal preference, if I have a lot of time I drive. If I don't, I take a tour. It also depends on the time of year - during high season parking and traffic can be a problem whereas on a tour they worry about that stuff. Either way, you'll have a good time.

Have a great trip!

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990 posts

No problems parking either place, though Bath is a bit awkward. (We chose to stay at a B & B that included off street parking there.) Lacock and Castle Combe are charming and worth a quick stopover. In Castle Combe, we happened upon a church jumble sale and met the sweetest old wood-carver who sold us a beautiful handmade ask bowl for five pounds. The chat alone was worth that--it turned out that he was originally from a town next to the town where my husband and I got married!

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233 posts

While the Mad Max tour does offer some information (I took it in summer 2006), I found it mostly a way for public transport-types like myself to see Stonehenge, Avebury, and a little extra (Lacock and Castle Combe, one a lunch stop and one a short stop) all in one day from Bath without a car. I enjoyed the tour, and I am not a great driver (definitely not ready for driving on the left!), so it was the right choice for me.

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32257 posts


Even though I rented a Car in Bath (in order to get to Bovington and Yeovilton), I chose to take a Mad Max Tour of Stonehenge, Lacock, etc. I felt that it was a much more rewarding experience, as I learned a lot not only about the main areas we visited but also obscure facts about some of the areas we drove through. I felt the tour was excellent value!

Happy travels!

Posted by
194 posts

Thanks, everyone, for your input. Ken, that's what I was thinking also. It's on our list of things to do!

Posted by
102 posts

We took the MadMax tour of Stonehenge, Avebury, etc. last May. We decided on a whim to do it the night before and they had added on a 2nd bus that night, so there was all of the sudden room to go. We found it informative, just the right amount of time at each location, and our guide was great. Looking back we felt it was one of our highlights. The tour size is held to maximum of 16 and we covered more ground than we would have on our own. We had a car our 2nd week in England and it wasn't near as relaxing as when we toured with MadMax. Driving on the left side is doable for us Americans, but it isn't second nature and looking for where road signs are located also takes some adjustment. I'd say do the tour where you can relax and enjoy what you see.

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1358 posts

When I have to made a decision about taking a guided tour I always consider two things: money available and time available. Makes it easy for me.

I have nearly always found city tours to be beneficial. If you go to the Tourist Information Office you can obtain brochures on all tours available. There may be another one you will like.