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Tour Groups in Same Hotel?

Do tour groups stay at the same hotel? Am planning on the 14-day Great Britain tour next spring.

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23575 posts

What are you asking? Tour groups stay at a variety of hotels depending on availability.

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5678 posts

If you mean, when you're on a Rick Steve's Tour then yes all the people on the tour are in the same hotel. They will tell you the first hotel ahead of time, but you don't find about the others until you're there if I remember correctly. The hotels that we stayed in on the Berlin, Prague and Vienna Tour, were all small family run type hotels. I enjoyed all of them. Pam

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2633 posts

To follow on the last comment, if you're talking about a RS tour, generally the whole tour group stays in the same hotel. HOWEVER, it might be different in some smaller towns. For example, on the RS Ireland tour, our group split up between three different B&Bs (all located near each other). On the RS Spain tour, in Morocco our group split between two different B&B/small hotels, near-ish to each other, but not next door. Also on this tour two of us singles were put up in a small rooming house because the hotel was full.

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32332 posts

Bob, Generally speaking, the RS Tour groups stay in the same Hotel in each town they visit. However, this depends to some extent on availability at the time and the size of the town. Smaller locations may not have Hotels that can accommodate a group of 24-28 plus the Guide and Driver, so in that case the group will be split. I'm not familiar with the specifics of the England tour, so you might contact the RS Tour department if you want the best information. Happy travels!