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Too soon to visit London?

We are scheduled to be in London August 17 - August 22. The Olympics are just wrapping up August 12th. Is it too soon to visit London so soon after the Olympics? I'm a bit worried the crowds will still be overwhelming or the city will be in recovery and several places closed.

Posted by
3551 posts

Realize most of the venues for the Olympics are just outside London proper. You may still experience some olympic traffic at Heathrow and the tubes but I would not cancel. Soif you are going to do the usual tourist museums , sights, theatre etc in London proper -just go.
London is always crowded in summer hopefully you do have lodging reservations. That is essential during peak season.

Posted by
10562 posts

I agree with JS. It will be a busy month in London, Olympics or no Olympics. Just go and enjoy!

Posted by
21 posts

I am going to london spetember 8th. i would not cancel. it is a big city to begin with.

Posted by
1416 posts

Mark Actually most of London has been unusually quiet during the Olympics. The papers here have been full of stories about how restaurants, musuems and the tube are empty. (The exception of course is the area directly around Olympic venues.) Friends who work in London have been reporting the same. Based on the experience of previous Olympics there is unlikely to be a post-Olympics 'bounce' so you should find things no more crowded than usual and maybe even better. Have a great trip. Alan

Posted by
5435 posts

There is now some evidence that the claims of London being exceptionally quiet during the Olympics have been overdone. For example, Andrew Lloyd Webber has said the takings at his theatres have risen by 25 per cent since the Games began. He considered closing The Wizard of Oz for the duration of the Games but in the end decided against it. Takings actually rose £100,000 from the week prior to the games. Those that did close probably now regret it. London is a big place. Some coming for the Olympics have remarked for example that outside of the venues & general areas it is hard to detect it is going on in the same city.

Posted by
4684 posts

I work in a large public building and tourist attraction in central London and we've been fairly quiet as have been the streets. I think an awful lot of local people and tourists have decided to avoid the city for fear of overcrowding. Of course, it's possible that lots of tourists will visit as soon as the Games are finished.

Posted by
9126 posts

It's never too soon to go to London. Nothing will be closed. That only happens on Christmas Day. GO! Take me with you! Enjoy yourselves!

Posted by
993 posts

I have to agree with Claudia. It is never too soon to visit London.

Posted by
3428 posts

Go! You might even get some deals on theatre, hotel, etc. I don't think anything will be closed then. A FEW theatres closed last week and this week and are regretting it as others have done well. There is NO bad time to visit London.

Posted by
2800 posts

I have to agree with Laurel and Claudia. It is never too soon to visit London.

Posted by
4412 posts

8/9/12 4:28 AM Philip London, United Kingdom
Posts: 962 I work in a large public building and tourist attraction in central London and we've been fairly quiet as have been the streets. Philip... Prince Philip??? Is that you??? ;-)