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To visit Copenhagen only or add Stockholm, too

Traveling in northern Europe in late July, I had planned four days in Copenhagen. After reading RS books, I'm wondering instead whether it makes sense to spend two days in that city and two days in Stockholm. I'd appreciate opinions. Is doing both cities realistic and worthwhile, or is it attempting to do too much in too little time? How fast is rail travel between the two cities?

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591 posts

Four days is hardly enough time just to see the major attractions in Copenhagen and on the island of Zealand. Just Tivoli is worth 2 visits (daytime & then at night with all the lights), and day trips to tour the castles at Helsingor & Hillerod plus the cathedral at Roskilde. Stockholm is is a good place to visit, but with just 4 days you'd be wasting too much time in transit.

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2758 posts

I absolutely love Stockholm, but I think it might be too much in the time you have. It would take the better part of two days to get there and back. Of course, it's hard to say for sure without knowing what the rest of your tip looks like.

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1446 posts

We actually spent 7 days in Copenhagen (seeing things in the city and trained to other sites out of the city). Though Stockholm is wonderful too, I think you would be too rushed by combining both places.

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1525 posts

The train is 5 1/2 hours direct between the two cities. There are probably SAS flights for about the same price but with time in & out, to & from the airports it's probably also about the same total time. I think 4 days is a bit too short, too. But with six or even five days, IF you don't have to backtrack, then I would say "go for it". Stockholm is one of the prettiest cities I have ever seen, especially at night. I would rank it higher in general interest than Copenhagen, although there are sights near Copenhagen that are more interesting that sights near Stockholm.

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258 posts

I'm in the "don't try to do TOO much in 1 trip" camp, too. Stockholm is one of N. Europe's great cities, but I, personally, would prefer 4 days in Coppenhagen so that you can see all of the main sights, really have time to get a feel for the city, etc. I'm a big believer in of Rick's mantras; "Assume you WILL return!" Is 2 days in Coppenhagen and 2 in Stockholm POSSIBLE? Sure. But you'd be more frantic, will have to rush through, etc. It's totally subjective and everyone's preferences differ, but my personal recommendation is to adhere w/ what others here are suggesting, spend the time in Coppenhagen.....and leave Stockholm for another trip. Good luck w/ whatever you choose....and have fantastic time. They're BOTH terrific cities.

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6 posts

Thanks to all who have replied and helped me decide. I will take the advice not to do too much and spend the 4 days in and near Copenhagen. Besides seeing the city, I will definitely go to Roskilde cathedral and the Viking ship museum, and to Frederiksborg castle. Has anyone checked out the modern art museum at Louisiana? Is it worth a trip? (I like modern art.)

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4535 posts

Good choice Richard. Yes, Louisiana is worth the trip if you like modern art. If you go to Elsingnor, there is a bus that travels scenically along the water and stops at Louisiana. Once done there, it's a 15 minute walk to the train station for your return to Copenhagen.

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12313 posts

We spent five plus days in Copenhagen last summer and ran out of time before we ran out of things to do. I'm not into modern art so that wasn't on our list. We spent one day in Stockholm and would have been happy to add another day or two but Copenhagen offers more sights IMO.