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Tipping in London

Does one tip at restaurants and hair salons? I was planning to visit both and want to make sure I do what is appropriate!

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Click here to see Rick Steves' recommendations on tipping by country.

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5676 posts

You do tip at hair salons. The salons that I went to in London had envelopes in the front where you would place the money in an envelope with the name of the stylist on the envelope. I'm not sure if tips are handled that way at all salons.

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1455 posts

Nancy tipping is not like the US where you do 15-20%. If you add 10% that's sufficient. More if you found the service great, but that's generous.

Also, check to see if service was or was not included. Sometimes you maybe double tipping in restaurants if they already added service. If in doubt.. ask!

In the pubs if you get a pint, no tip needed.