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Theft in London

We will be on a cruise and tours from the ship. I really don't expect to be a high risk for theft while on our excursions. Then we will be in London for three days. I never hear much about theft in London, but obviously it occurs everywhere. My 88 year old dad has a notion to carry his iPhone on his belt. I'm trying to convince him to keep it concealed. Would he be at high risk walking around London? Much pick pocketing there?

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27 posts

There are pick pockets and bag snatchers in London. Phone theft is a particular issue. I certainly wouldn't carry my smartphone on a belt when I visit London.

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922 posts

My opinion is it's not a good idea to tempt fate in any large city, whether in the U.S. or overseas, and I've lived in several. A theft - or even an attempted theft - of any kind can cast a pall over a holiday, especially loss of an expensive device like an iPhone that probably contains personal information, etc. In large cities, especially on public transport and in the areas frequented by tourists, I always carry my valuables in a moneybelt worn underneath my clothing, and I always keep my iPhone well concealed. I avoid using it on public transport and never set it down anywhere.

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34399 posts

As I have recently posted in another thread here, there has been a big upsurge in electronics theft and robbery in London. Particular emphasis recently has been on taking phones out of people's hands, laptops off tables, tablets and large format phones in many ways. London papers have done several stories recently, the Metropolitan Police have a campaign, posters on Underground and train stations warn of the danger. Put it away, and be aware of your surroundings. There was a CCTV photo recently of the head of Apple UK having is MacBook Air stolen as he was showing a screen to a friend at a cafe table. It was all over in less than a second.

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30 posts

I've been to several big European cities, and haven't been robbed . . . yet. I carry my wallet in my front pants pocket and keep in it only the spending money I think I'll need soon. I also check often to make sure it's there. (I'm going to try this bright idea when I go this year: keep a wadded-up plastic grocery bag on top of it in the same pocket.) The real valuables (ID's, ATM card etc.) go into a moneybelt underneath my shirt -- a polo shirt that I wear untucked. If I were carrying a cell/Smartphone, I would clip it to my belt over my stomach, not at my hip. If I'm carrying a shoulder bag, I keep only conveniences in it, and hold it front of me in crowded places. I know that's advice we've all heard a hundred times before, but so far it's worked for me.

Posted by
970 posts

Ten million or so people in London. Some of them are up to no good. I think London is the safest big city I know. Lived there and visited there a good bit. Never used a money belt or took any special precautions. Never had any problems at all. But I would not walk around with easily stolen, easily marketed goodies hanging off of me. That's just tempting fate. Ask Dad to put the phone in a pocket. Also ask him if he really expects to get calls in London.

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1951 posts

Well, Dad finally agreed to keep it concealed. He was thinking if it were attached to his belt it would be safe, but I know better. I read him the responses and he'll keep it put away. To me an old man with a obvious cell phone hanging is too much a target, even in a safer big city. Thanks for the input! Not worth the risk.

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25 posts

Susan & Monte - one other thing to keep in mind is depending on your calling plan, you could get hit with significant international roaming charges if you take a smartphone overseas. Check with your provider.

Posted by
1951 posts

Yes, thank you Dan. I called Sprint ahile back and I think we will just use texting to communicate if we get separated or want to go separate directions. I need to varify how to do that cheap and turn off data or whatever. Thanks for the reminder.

Posted by
619 posts

It is worth reporting thefts to the British police. This violinist had her Stradivarius stolen at Euston Station in 2010 and it has just been recovered.