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student visa will expire/still travel?

thinking this question is kind of common sense but still seeking son's student visa is expiring this july 15th for denmark (semester abroad from 1/16/10 to 7/15...can he still travel throughout denmark with his valid passport?....other countries? since he is overseas he would like the oppurtunity?....any thoughts?...thank-you

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292 posts

Very, very technically, he wouldn't be allowed to travel, but in reality, it's very unlikely he'll have any problems. No one ever pays much attention to my visa or residency permit unless I'm trying to do or get something available only to French residents.

When people look at his passport, chances are they won't even see/care about the visa, they'll just figure he's on vacation, end of story. The rule of thumb seems to be that he'd probably be tolerated for another 3 months (maximum length of a tourist stay) past the end date of his visa.

Of course, I've never left Europe from Denmark, so I don't know if they're as lax. I do have a friend who was studying in Copenhagen last semester (who knows, maybe they know each other!) who is currently traveling and hasn't encountered issues, but she has yet to leave Europe.

So basically, he shouldn't have any problems traveling in Europe, and probably not while leaving Europe so long as it's under three months from the visa expiration. Although anyone else with specific Scandinavian experience should pipe up, I'm speaking from laissez-faire French experience!

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16096 posts

When his visa expires, his visa expires. He is not legally allowed to stay in the Schengen coungries, of which Denmark is part, without extending his visa.

The consequences--a fine and/or being banned from entering Schengen for up to 10 years.

His school will probably have information on what the procedure is for extending his visa.

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2876 posts

Another consequence of violating a Schengen country visa is that you go into their computer system as a "visa offender", which could cause you major problems with future travel.

I would never advise anyone to ignore the law and assume they won't be caught.

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211 posts

I can only speak from personal experience, but I had a French +1 visa which meant that technically I was only allowed in France and could not travel outside of the country. Officals at the school basically said "you are not allowed to travel out of France...and now that we've said that, have a great time exploring Europe". Everyone I know at the school with this visa travelled all over with no problems.
I believe some people in Denmark at the CBS school did the same thing, it may be best for him to try and contact a former exchange students and see what their experience was.

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292 posts

He could definitely look into extending his visa to be totally legal, although if it's anything like France it'd be a super pain.

I understand how it sounds bad to say "technically you can't, but you kind of can," but unfortunately that's generally the situation!

For some more clarification (France-centric, but still Schengen space so maybe it counts), here's a thread on a forum for English language assistants (like myself) who have temporary worker/resident status, but the laws are similar.