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Storing golf clubs Dublin while traveling Ireland

Are Dublin hotels likely to store our golf clubs while we travel around Ireland? We will be staying in Dublin for 2 days, then touring for a week, and then returning to Dublin for several days. If storage is not typically done, what are alternatives to lugging them around with us? Storing the at some storage facility? Sending them home? Linda

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2369 posts

Just curious, why are you bringing them with you. Do you have to pay extra to get them there and is it worth it, what is cost and can you just rent them at golf courses.

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9363 posts

You're going to use them....when? The first two days of your trip only? I wouldn't bother taking them - just rent once you get there.

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1265 posts

Linda - How many days will you be using your clubs? If more than 2, then bring them, otherwise rent. After rereading you post. Will you be playing golf before your travel around Ireland?

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2 posts

Thanks for the replies. Four guys are playing 5 golf courses over Ireland and south of Belfast. Then the wives are arriving and we'll be touring for 10 days. I don't think I can convince them to rent golf clubs.

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2876 posts

If you're returning to the same Dublin hotel after your week of touring, then my guess is that they'll store your clubs for you while you're away. Particularly if you make a nice donation to their porter/bellhop staff.

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1265 posts

Linda -I would recommend sending the clubs home using Fedex or some outfit like that.

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9363 posts

Given the details of your trip you might be best off to just ship them home. It won't be cheap. In your original post it sounded like you were going to be in the Dublin area two days then tour around, which is different than a golf trip followed by an additional week of traveling around. You might also inquire about storing them at a course near Dublin, but when my family has carried clubs, we just hauled them around with us. Transporting four sets is going to be a hassle, though.

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934 posts

I cant imagine what it would cost to ship them home.I think that if you stay 2 nights in Dublin and then return they wil lstore them for you. Send them a email and ask them. Those who suggest not bringing your own clubs dont understand how difficult it is to play with rented ones. If only 1 day Ok but with 5 take them along.

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638 posts

Shipping is very expensive, I shipped a 2 pound box to Germany last month, when I looked at FedEx and UPS it was in the $150.00 range, using the postal service still cost $40.00. Last year a 13 pound package from Spain to San Diego cost me $65.00. Golf clubs, I wouldn't want to know, probably be cheaper to buy new ones in the long run, I'm sure a hotel will store them for you, especially if you are staying there later. They're used to doing this.

Posted by
1035 posts

"Those who suggest not bringing your own clubs dont understand how difficult it is to play with rented ones." It is sometimes pretty difficult even with you own clubs! Gotta have your own sticks. You shouldn't have a problem storing them somewhere.