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Stonehenge, Bath, and Windsor Castle???

I only have 3 days in London. Would spending one of those days on a Stonehenge, Bath, and Windsor Castle tour be a good idea? Or should I just stay in London?

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9110 posts

No matter what, you can't do all three in one day.

Posted by
14607 posts

Stay in London, plus what Ed said. If you arrive from Texas on Day 1, I double that advice!

Posted by
142 posts

Ha! I had to laugh when I read the first person's remark that you can't do it all in one day. No offense intended to the first poster though. I did this in one day in 2004 and had plenty of time! My friends and I took a pre-arranged tour and were able to tour all three of those. We left early in the morning and were back in London by early evening. It was a blast and worth the money we spent (I think it was 100 pounds then as a student). We drove all over Ireland but did not want to drive in London or the rest of England so that's why we did a pre-arranged thing. Best of luck to you!

Posted by
215 posts

You could physically do all three in one day. However, I would agree with Ed using a single additional word. Most people could not do all three WELL in one day. If you just want to say you have been each place and seen the tip of the iceberg, then go for it. If not, I would choose one. I don't think Stonehedge is worth the time, but would recommend either of the other two. My preference would be Bath.

Posted by
2800 posts

I would have to reply....that if you really want to see these three then I would take a tour, Evan Evans has a nice one... ..... it's one of these decisions that you need to make. A lot of people opinions would be to say no, stay in London because there is so much to see and do in London which is true. But, the others would tell you to go it. How bad do you want to see these other places? Do you plan on going back to the UK some day, if so then wait to see them on that trip. I feel you just need to think about this and make up your own mind, know one else knows how you feel about seeing these other places, if there will be other trips in the future, etc

Posted by
9110 posts

Okay, Miss Jennifer, I'll see what you did and raise you. A couple of years ago I took a buddy from eastern London to Windsor, Stonehenge, Woodhenge, the Long Barrow, Silbury Hill, Averbury, and Bath and we spent the night in Portsmouth. The sucker didn't get to see much, but he put an X in all the boxes. We started before the sun was up and had supper way after the time I'm usually asleep.

Posted by
9126 posts

JUST stay in London. More than enough to do and see in that vibrant city and you still won't have scratched the surface in 3 days.

Posted by
142 posts

Ed, nice work! That's a ton to check off in one day. My one crazy story where I checked the boxes was last year. My friends and I did two-ish days in each place of (Prague, Salzburg, Munich yay Oktoberfest!, Zermatt, Paris and Bruges) with 17 trains. Absolutely no regrets, that's just the way me and my friends like to travel. Though my career is in law enforcement so I'm used to go.go.go chaos in my everyday life...why not travel the same :) I'm going back to London this summer (knocking on wood) for the Olympics. Hopefully, I get to cross some London things off the list I didn't get to in '04. Ed I appreciate your comment and thanks for not getting mad at mine!

Posted by
9110 posts

I can still top it. Went to central Turkey from Florida, had supper, and was back in thirty-nine hours. Take that! Next?

Posted by
142 posts

I'm thinking that you win Ed. My very last competitive thing isn't Europe related....drove from San Francisco to Atlanta in 42 hours. Seriously. That's the only thing travel wise I would never do again :)

Posted by
214 posts

If you can squeeze Windsor in you absolutely should see it, St. Georges Chapel is pretty impressive too.

Posted by
1986 posts

London is worth more than 3 days. however, if you want something different as well: try Hampton Court or Windsor (both close by train from London); further afield- Salisbury and Stonehenge; Cambridge (easier to get around than Oxford). Evan evans and others do all day coach tours to a number of places. So much to choose.

Posted by
635 posts

This is a variation of the traditional question about seeing Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England in 9 days. If your goal is to check off items from your bucket list, the answer is "yes." If you actually want to experience any of it or take some time to appreciate it, the answer is "no."