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Can you go into the inner area of Stonehenge with a regular ticket or do you need to be part of a tour group to do that?

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79 posts

No, you can't go into the stone circle at Stonehenge on a regular tour. One of my friends tried to arrange an inner circle tour from us and she was working with someone at Allstar Leisure ([email protected]) who quoted us a price of £445, so we took a pass. I have used Mad Max Tours, out of Bath many times. They take you to Stonehenge, Avebury (where you can walk amidst the stones), and two lovely Cotswold villages, Lacock and Castle Combe.

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12205 posts

My experience is pretty much the same as Heidi's. You could book a tour to walk inside Stonehenge but (although I can't recall the exact price) it wasn't worth it for me.

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3428 posts

My understanding is that only pre-opeing and post-closing special admission allows going in close to the stones. Aveburry, and other stone circles (such as the Brodegar stanting stones in Orkney, Scotland), are still "open". If getting close to the stones is important to you, check out those.

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1839 posts

Go to the official Stonehenge website and find the "special access" or "private access" button. This takes you to a page that explains the procedure for applying for access to the stones which a previous poster correctly said happens before and after regular viewing hours. Private access is not available every day. The application cost is 16 pounds, not 445 pounds and you must state your reasons for desiring private access. The problem for most people is that you must apply well in advance of your planned visit. We did inner circle access a few years ago----it was well worth the extra paperwork and money.

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27 posts

If you have transportation, seriously consider visitng Avebury. While the stones at Avebury are not as massive as at stonehenge, you're permitted to walk right up to them and even touch them.

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571 posts

You can't go into the stone circle at Stonehenge on a regular ticket, but on the "bright side" I imagine the stones are just as boring from the inside looking out as they are outside the circle looking in!

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1986 posts

I was lucky to be able to see Stonehenge when you could wander among the stones and touch them. Very impressive. The stones are HUGE. And then the "hippies" spoiled it However, the most recent changes are good and you do get a good view of the monument (if a little distant), and still very impressive But do both Stonehenge and Avebury if you can arrange it (edited)