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staying in Thornbury Castle

hey all you wonderful travelers. my partner and I are thinking of staying a night in Thornbury Castle. Is it worth it or a tourist trap? thanks.

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375 posts

I learned about Thornbury Castle recently when I was searching for something else. I never actually stayed there, so perhaps I am not qualified to answer your question, but I'll share what I know in case it helps you. It was built in the 1500's and a lot of the original still exists, though it was renovated. King Henry VIII stayed there at one point. So it is not a "tourist trap" in the sense that it was a real castle (not a fortress, though. I don't think it was ever attacked or defended in that sense). However, now it is a big luxurious hotel inside. So they are indeed trying to attract tourists, as any hotel does. It wouldn't be like touring a castle in it's original condition, or like living as they lived back then. It's an opulent hotel. I never saw the actual hotel but the pictures of the furnishings looked very rich and ornate. You can decide if that is what you had in mind.

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619 posts

We have never stayed at Thornbury Castle, but have been there two or three times for meals or events. This was some years ago, and the hotel has recently changed ownership, but I doubt if the style has changed much. Although it is correctly called Thornbury Castle, the decorative style of the main public areas is more that of a large country house of the Victorian or Edwardian period. Dining at the hotel is formal in style, but the staff were very friendly when we went and the atmosphere is relaxed. After our meal we had coffee in the library, sitting in armchairs, and taking as much time as we wished. Staying overnight at Thornbury Castle is more expensive than I would consider paying, but I would certainly go there again for a special meal, and neighbours of ours used to go there regularly for Sunday lunch.

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1874 posts

I, too, have not been to Thornbury Castle in several years. However, I agree it is a very luxurious hotel and in style more like a upper class manor house. Many of the rooms are in a modern annex and not in the building itself. This was a special treat at the time, but probably not worth the money we spent. I would agree with the others that dining there is a better option.