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Staying at the Jesmond Dene Hotel in London

Did you like your stay at this hotel? I am going between this one and Morgan hotel. I know it is little more expensive, but I like how they help with tours, and websites to see things. As I am a single traveler.

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9124 posts

Tripadvisor comments are stellar. Close to British Library.
Pull the trigger. What tours are you referring to? EASY to enjoy and see London as a single traveler without paying for a tour unless that's how you wish to invest your money while there. An extremely easy city to negotiate via public transportation and your own two feet. I've done it countless times. PM if you have questions.

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724 posts

Jesmond Dene has a lot of really good reviews, but I didn't love it there (summer 2011) and wouldn't stay there again. I suspect rooms not in the basement may be nicer. But a bigger issue, as a single female traveler, is the area. JD is super close to St Pancras and Kings Cross; it's not a "bad" area but also not one I'd enjoy exploring alone after dark. The Morgan is in Bloomsbury and a much nicer area (shops, cafes, etc). You probably won't go wrong with either, but I wouldn't pay more for the JD.

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50 posts

Thank-you both for your help!!! Still checking around. Still like the Jesmond Dene!! I did check it out on trip advisor and liked what I read.