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Splitting Costs in Ireland

We are four adults splitting costs in Ireland. How do experienced travelers share costs for lodging and meals? Is it best for one person to pay the bill and the others pay back? Are restaurants willing to issue separate checks?
If B&B's take credit cards, is it reasonable to ask them to use two separate cards for two different rooms?

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91 posts

I have always traveled in a group. We just take turns making purchases. Whether it is lodging, transportation (train tickets, car rentals), meals, lattes or beers. We just each keep a journal and keep track of what we have bought. Then we settle the difference when we get home. I know some people don't like doing this with meals for fear that someone has ordered a more expensive meal. But over a 3 week trip, I figure the higher/lower cost of meals levels out. And if it doesn't-I figure I am still way ahead by having travel partners who help me save money by spreading the car rental expense, etc over 3 or 4 others as opposed to being a solo traveler.

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2876 posts

We've taken many trips with another couple. In B&B's and hotels, each couple pays for their own room. Never a problem. We've also found that most restaurants are happy to take two credit cards as long as you're splitting the bill 50/50. Although we've never done it, my guess is that most places wouldn't look as kindly at requests for an uneven split ("Louise had dessert, and Maude didn't, Harry had 2 glasses of wine and Jack only one," etc.) If you want an uneven split, I'd suggest paying with cash.

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2829 posts

Lodging bills can be split by room, so that should be no problem.

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237 posts

Wish I could offer more direct advice but a friend of mine and I just travelled through Scotland and splitting things was never a problem. We split rooms and restaurant bills and they were always perfectly willing to split the charges between cards. It's not exactly the same thing but a similar culture just across the water. I'd be surprised if it was drastically different. I was in Ireland a year ago and it strikes me as similar to Scotland as a very pragmatic and practical people but I didn't have any occasion to split checks on that trip. Have a great trip,

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182 posts

I have never had a problem in restaurants with splitting the bill providing it is split evenly. We have also asked for separate checks at the outset and that has not been an issue either. Some places, especially small cafes, may have a £5 minimum for a credit card purchase.