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Special place to stay in vicinity of Cashel?

Anyone have a rec for a special place to stay one night near Cashel? We will be travelling from Waterford on a Monday, and would like to sleep near enough to Cashel to visit the Rock in the morning. Found a few nice B&B options right in Cashel, but if there was something truly special in the vicinity (maybe 20-30 mile radius), wouldn't mind going off the beaten path. Would be interested in a historic establishment/building, or just interesting architecture, or perhaps a working farm stay, or anything else a little different from the typical B&B which we will be doing lots of on our trip... Thanks!

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74 posts

We have never stayed at this place, but have seen a lot of good comments about "Joy's Rock-side" B&B on other forums. Check out, find the forum, and click on lodging page for ideas. Dan

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9369 posts

We stayed at Rahard Lodge, a working sheep farm. We were there in April, and they let the kids hold week-old lambs. It was right outside of Cashel, with a nice view of the Rock.