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Southwest Ireland in December

Hello all- My husband and I are considering a semi-impromtu trip to Ireland at the end of December and/or the beginning of January. We went and did 2 weeks all over the country a couple of years ago, and particularly loved County Kerry, so that is where we were thinking of going...just looking for a very low key time, plenty of drinking tea and reading books in the afternoons, hopefully a pub in the evenings for a pint or two and some trad. We were thinking of staying in Dingle, which we absolutely loved on our last trip (in June). We've noticed, though, that a lot of B&Bs are closed for several weeks to several months after New Years. I'm not worried about finding a place to stay, but I was a little concerned that the whole town might basically shut down; we're not looking for a lot of excitement, but we would definitely pick another location if pubs/restaurants/music wouldn't be in the offing. Does anyone have any experience with this area in late December/early January? We have a bit of flexibility; we would likely go for about a week somewhere between 26 December and 7 January. Thanks in advance.

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You need have no worries Peggy about Dingle/Kerry being closed down at the end of December/early January. In fact it will be quite busy at this time of the year, with workers and students from all around Ireland and the UK having returned to their homes/families (well home to the restaurants & pubs anyway) for the Christmas & New Year season, so I would imagine the local hostelries will be buzzing. The Christmas & New Year season runs from the 23rd/24th December to 2nd January - the students will be at home longer so they will need to be catered for as well. Watch out for the Wren Boys on St Stephens Day (26th). You're right about the B&B's, many will be closed, hotels will be fine though. Only other downside I can see for you is the weather, impossible to predict what it will be like then, this week has been gorgeous so far! Go for it I say, and enjoy it.