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Southern Ireland

Thanks so much for all your feedback! I have developed a tentative itinerary and any feedback or suggested changes would be great! Here it is: 2 nights Dublin, 1 night Kilkenny (+Rock of Cashel), 1 night Kinsale, 2 nights Dingle (or 1 night Dingle and 1 night Doolin), 1 night Ennis, then fly out. I feel like it is a little packed, but I don't know what to cut, if any. Thanks!

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8 posts

lol. That sounds an awful lot like my itinerary. Except I'm doing three nights Dublin, two nights in Cork (or around Cork somewheres... I have a friend there, so I'm being flexible), 2 nights Dingle (again, probably... who knows...?) and 1 night Ennis, then out via Shannon. :)

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9363 posts

That sounds just about perfect to me, Jan. If you time it right, you'll have time to go a bit north toward the Cliffs of Moher and the Burren before staying in Ennis. I'd keep the two nights Dingle so that you had a whole day in between. I wouldn't cut anything, though I might suggest staying your final night in the Bunratty area instead, since it's so close to the airport (and your flight out is probably in the morning).

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45 posts

I stayed at a B&B in Doora, just outside Ennis called Ashwood House. It was only 15 minutes to the airport. Be sure to get up to the Burren and Cliffs of Mohr if you can fit it in.

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162 posts

I would suggest this:

Day 1 & 2 Dublin,

Day 3 Stop in Kilkenny, then continue on to Cashel and stay there -- so you don't back track. ( Joy's Rockside B&B)

Day 4 tho it pains me to say this -- skip Kinsale -- it is too far for such a short stay. Stay in Kenmare instead -- this will mean less driving overall and more time to actually enjoy.

Day 5 & 6 Dingle The drive from Kenmare to Killarney is beautiful. Also Slea Head on the Dingle Peninsula. By starting from Kenmare instead of Kinsale you will have 2 full days in the area. You will not regret this.

Day 7 Take Tarbert Ferry and see Cliffs of Moher and Burren sites then on to Bunratty. I agree with others, stay in Bunratty (Bunratty Castle Mews B&B is highly reccomended. Delores will wrap up your Ireland trip perfectly.)

It is better to go to less places and see more, than go more and see less. Enjoy!