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Solo in Norway

Hi everyone. I'm a 22-year-old female planning to go to Oslo in March with my father. We're musicians, and he's been invited to do a recital and teach some lessons at the conservatory. I'm going to play on the recital, but I'm going to have some free time alone while my dad teaches. My question is this: how safe is it for a woman to wander around Oslo alone? I imagine during the day, it's probably pretty safe (as safe as any other big city), but what about if I wanted to experience some of the night life without my 64-year-old father? Nothing too crazyI'm not so naive that I'd try to go clubbing (alone and not speaking the language!) or anything. But how about walking around, taking public transit, or maybe having a drink at a low-key bar? I'm a pretty experienced solo traveler, having spent time in major American cities and in some Italian ones on my own. And I lived in Cincinnati for four years (for college), so I generally judge cities' danger on that kind of scale! I'd just like to be apprised of the risks, so any advice would be appreciated!

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1525 posts

Well, the general consensus I've always heard is that Europe is safer (from "serious" crime) than the US and Scandinavia is safer than most of the rest of Europe. So that would seem to suggest it's just about the safest place on earth to be out and about on your own. But of course, common sense should always prevail. Avoid dark alleys. Having a drink could be innocent, too - but keep in mind that it will cost over $10/drink and, if by yourself, might invite more attention than you desire. Otherwise, you should be fine. Go....enjoy.... We found Oslo to be charming in a very low-key way.

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389 posts

The only thing in danger in Oslo will be your bank balance. Your wallet will come away traumatized...

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2758 posts

Not speaking the language will not be an issue. You will have a hard time finding a young person in Oslo who does NOT speak English.

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6 posts

The only location in the city center that I felt uncomfortable was in front of the train station, around the bus/tram stop there. That is the case in many European cities. I seem to remember there is another area to avoid alone at night, but I don't remember because we only spent two days in Oslo and did not wander far from the major tourist sights.