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Snowdonia questions

We will be traveling by train and ferry from London to Dublin and are thinking of spending a couple of nights in the Snowdonia area, either Conwy or Betws-y-coed. Does anyone know if either of these towns has vegetarian option restaurants? And how easy is it to get to hiking trails from these towns without a car? Is there another town that might be better for us? Thanks.

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392 posts

If either of those places has Indian food, then there are almost certainly vegan options. Beyond that, I don't know, but I'm sure someone here will have a better answer for you.

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1471 posts

I believe Conwy has a train stop and a castle and is near the beach. Betwys-y-coed is in the woods on a cascading stream/river near the mountains. Both are lovely. I'm not sure about train stop there. Look at Britrail guide. They do have an antique train ride. I'm sure you can find Vegan fare in either place.

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4 posts

We just came from Beddgelert. Really enjoyed it. Stayed at Plas Tan y Graig. Tony and Sharon were great and worked their breakfasts around our needs. We are pescatarians. The restaurant just over the bridge (50 yrds away) had a chalkboard listing vegetarian meal options. Check the area out. The views were amazing.