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Yesterday at work someone asked me if I had gotten my shots and I said what shots. I am going to England later this year and possible Paris. Do I need shots to go to
England and Paris from the states and if so what are they?

Posted by
32332 posts

Janis, I don't believe there are any specific vaccinations required for travel in London and Paris. However, it would probably be a good idea to check on whether your Tetanus booster is up-to-date. I'd suggest talking to your family Physician or a travel medicine Clinic. Happy travels!

Posted by
149 posts

It's a good idea to be up-to-date on your routine vaccines such as MMR (measle/mumps/rubella), DPT (diphtheria, pertussis/tetanus), etc., but there is no requirement to do so in order to travel to Europe. I've traveled all over Europe many times, including England and France, and have never gotten any immunizations for any trip.

Posted by
17255 posts

I am curious what the person resonded when you asked "What shots?"

Posted by
1986 posts

The only time i have been required to have shots (Africa, Asia, Europe) was once for Kenya many years ago

Posted by
8293 posts

I think the "someone at work" was pulling your leg, or is just inexcusably ignorant.

Posted by
43 posts

Many years ago, shots were required but the US in order to obtain a passport and to travel to various counties. As a child in 1957 we went to Europe and had to get a whole seires of shots. As I recall the one for thyphoid hurt for a week afterwards. As a 8 year old, it was not fun.

Posted by
11507 posts

Janis I have never heard of getting shots for Europe,, and have been many times over er,, quite a few decades. Your coworker was either ignorant or joking.

Posted by
12313 posts

My understanding is the same as Dana's. Once upon a time, you needed shots anytime you planned to travel anywhere outside the US, with few exceptions. Nowadays, you can travel to Europe for up to three months with just your passport, no visa and no shots - so you're okay.

Posted by
719 posts

I just travelled to Europe with my infant daughter, and my doctor suggested no shots for me or my wife, but waited until just before we left to check the CDCs site to verify any travel alerts for my daughter. Since whe was too young for her MMR shot, she (my doctor) wanted to make sure there were no outbreaks as we were leaving. For what its worth, she was only concerned with measles in Switzerland. I guess the Swiss have a rep...

Posted by
1010 posts

My husband and I have been to Europe including London and Paris, three years in a row. We have never needed shots.