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shopping -- thrift/2nd hand/antique SUGGESTIONS!

Visiting Scotland/England next February. Starting Glasgow, looping north then to Edinburgh, then about 10 days working down to London with a stop in Harlepool for certain. I love shopping in thrift/antique shops - looking for something special at a great price. I'm hoping I can find some unique things for my souvenirs that way. I'd appreciate some suggestions on shops others have discovered and loved. We will be traveling by bus/train so shops need to be easily accessible. thanks!

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8293 posts

Look for charity shops, such as Oxfam, Age Concern, etc. You will find them on or near the High Street wherever you go. Ask at the town information centre or at any tea room if you can't find one.

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33339 posts

If going to Hartlepool have a look out for the monkey. No I don't mean the MP.

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33339 posts

Boot sales in winter is a go!!! Dunno about "oop North" but certainly down here. Sundays or Saturdays usually. Try the nearest Rugby pitch.

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180 posts

If you are coming to London google Kempton Park and check the calendar. It is a race course but they hold Sunbury Antique fairs every other Tuesday (I think). You need to be there early but it is well worth your time. It is a short train trip from Waterloo.

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95 posts

I follow a blog at She runs a small shop in London, and also makes jewelry. Check out her blog and see if that looks like a plc=ace that would interest you!