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Shannon Airport Hints?

My wife and I, along with a couple celebrating their 55th wedding anniversary, will be spending a week at Adare Manor this February, flying in and out of Shannon airport -- layover in Dublin -- and will have a too-early departure flight on a Sunday (7 a.m.).This request is for any suggestions and/recommendations for our stay -- we will have a car -- but specifically any tips concerning how much time to allow (it's listed as a 40-minute trek) from Adare to the airport taking into consideration car return, security clearance and customs.This is the first trip to Ireland for all of us.Any suggestions?

Thank you,

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9363 posts

Shannon is a very small, easy to manage airport out in the middle of nowhere (meaning easy to get used to driving on the other side of the road because there is no traffic). All of the car rentals have off-site lots, so you will take a shuttle to pick up your car. I'm not sure about where you'll return it (airport or off-site) at that hour of the morning, but they'll tell you that. At that hour you won't encounter crowds so security should be quick, but you still need to allow at least 90 minutes after you drop off your car. Your drive to Adare should give you some idea of how far it really is in terms of driving time. You might consider staying at a B&B closer to the airport the last night. Bunratty Castle is six miles away and there are a multitude of B&Bs on the Bunratty Road. I think you'll have a better idea of timing once you get there and find out a) when the airport opens in the morning, b) how/where you'll return your car, and c) how long it took to get to Adare.

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808 posts

It's probably best to get your information from the source. Check out the website for your car rental company as well as the Shannon Airport. Those two sources will help you to plan accordingly.

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1 posts

All of the car rental lots open at 6 a.m. so you will want to be there waiting for them to open. The drive from Adare to the airport is an easy drive, all on major well marked roads but you do have to drive thru Limerick and in Febuary at that time of the morning you will be driving in the dark. If you get to the aiport very early you can drop off your bags and the other folks at the terminal and only one person has to turn in the car and hitch a ride back. Every year I catch a 9a.m. flight out of Shannon and I stay at a B&B on the low road in Bunratty, 15 minutes to the airport. I don't know about Feb. but in June its easy to spend a night at Bunratty, couple of nice pubs and places to eat and a small shopping center to kill time. Have fun

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9363 posts

Hitching a ride back to the airport shouldn't be necessary since all of the rentals run shuttles to the airport. At that hour of the morning the shuttles would most likely be waiting for people going to the airport rather than leaving it, so it should just be a matter of turning in the keys and getting into the van. And yes, a number of the Bunratty road B&Bs are open yearround. I stayed there when I was there last February. The castle, pub, restaurants, and shopping center were open, as well.

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2 posts

Hitching a ride is just another way of saying take the shuttle. The problem will be that they show up at 6 a.m. and Ron has a 7 a.m. flight. I have been there at 6. a.m. and by the time they unlock the gate, power up the computers, inspect the car and check the gas tank you are really pushing catching a 7 a.m. flight. He will have to impress upon them to get him the terminal and not waste time. Have fun

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2 posts

Gave this a little more thought and came up with two more possibel options. 1. If the airline allows it, check in on-line the night before. If you then drop off your fellow travelers and baggage you will already be checked in and can proceed right to the security check-point on the 2nd. floor and through the customs check-point. 2. Drop your rental the night before your flight and either arrange through your B&B host or hotel for a taxi at about 4 a.m. There is a nice cafeteria at Shannon and you can get breakfast. There is a hotel just outside the airport grounds, Great Southern Shannon Hotel, I have not stayed there but I am sure there are geared up for the travler who has to leave early. Have fun

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2 posts

Thank you Nancy, John and Flight Attendant for your help.

The latest is that, armed with your information, I contacted Aer Lingus -- through which we booked our trip -- about the brief time for turning in the car, clearing security and going through customs and, great news: turns out that our flight time departing Shannon had been changed from 7 a.m. until 11:45 a.m.!

Our Dublin departure time has changed as well and now we have only an hour and a half layover; no time for touring the city. But we do arrive Dulles earlier as well!

So now we are excitedly reading literature about the area, planning our treks for the week.

Again, thank you...and should you, or anyone else, have suggestions, comments or "musts" (as well as avoidances), we would appreciate them.


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9363 posts

Ron, I'm glad it worked out so well! Don't worry about missing Dublin -- you can see it next time. :) The west is my favorite part of Ireland and I know you'll have a great time!

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524 posts

Given that your departing flight has changed to late morning, I'd say there is no compelling reason to stay in Bunratty on your final night. The drive from Adare is quick (as others have noted), and you'll have plenty of time the morning of your departure for returning your car and getting to the airport.

Adare Manor is a pretty impressive place. Haven't stayed there, but had lunch there last October. Beautiful place. Enjoy!

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29 posts

My wife and I thank each of you who responded to this and another post I made concerning our trip to Adare, Ireland.

We have returned, it was wonderfully successful and we are living enjoyable memories.

Again, thank you.
