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Shakespear's Globe Midnight summers dream Advance purchase?

Does anyone recommend advanced purchase of tickets as groundlings for the Midnight summers dream (IN LONDON) show on a Saturday PM???

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10344 posts

Let's see if you get answers here on this forum. This is the kind of question that sometimes goes unanswered here. If that happens, you can probably get an answer from a London resident by going here

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504 posts

I tend to think that you should do as much in advance as possible, so that you don't waste precious vacation time on administration. So if you're sure you want to go, then, sure.

I went to a performance in 2004, but we sat in one of the upper balconies. They were great seats after we got over the vertigo. It rained during the performance, which added to the historical experience for the groundlings!

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1633 posts

If you want to see this performance and you can purchase the tickets in advance, I would do so. I'm not sure if they sell out of groundling tickets. Several years ago, just on a whim, I walked up to the ticket booth and someone was selling their groundling tickets to Romeo & Juliet that had just started. It was awesome. I truly believe they are the best "seats". You can move to wherever you want on the ground floor. Just don't lean against a pole--not allowable. It's such a thrill to see the actors up close and to be able to hear them loud and clear. To see the details of their costume. What an experience it was! Have fun making lifetime memories on your trip.

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390 posts

I certainly would, especially since it looks like Midsummer is a travelling show and only at the Globe for 4 nights.