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Shaftesbury, Gold Hill

I was strangely attracted to the thatched cottages in a lot of tourist books (same hill, same angle, same photo but it's something I'd LOVE to see with my own eyes). We are investing in the Britrail Flexi pass and by the Shaftesbury tourist website, it look like there are no direct rail services to the city, we'd get off a Gillingham (Dorset) (from Bath) and then take a bus for 5 miles? Does this sound about right? Has anyone ever taken this route before? Do you think it'd be worth it? Just wondering.

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2791 posts

Hi Tina, yes you can take the train leaving from London's Waterloo Station to Gillingham. From Gillingham you could either take the bus or taxi, it's only four miles. When you are in Shaftesbury walk down Gold Hill then you can walk up the other end and there will be a Abbey which was founded in A.D. 888. I have a picture of Gold Hill hanging in my family room the view is fantastic. There is a small cafe on a corner very near Gold Hill, I can't remember the name, it's very old low ceilings and wood beams that you should go into. IMO Shaftesbury is very much worth visit.

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993 posts

Shaftesbury is a charming little town. We have fond memories of it because this is where my sister hit a house with our car.

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178 posts

Tina, if you make it to Shaftesbury look for a framed picture of Gold Hill. We have one hanging in our sunroom that we picked up last summer. I enjoy it daily and think of standing at the top of the hill. (Very Steep) I packed it between cardboard and tied it with a string to make it home. However, you can probably go on line to get one. Enjoy the area for it was lovely.

Keep traveling!