I have heard that there are some great shops in London where you can buy second hand designer style clothing. Just wondering if anyone has come across these and could recommend any.
Try the Oxfam shop in Westbourne Grove. It's in the unbelievably trendy Nottingh Hill area.
I guess I ought to add that although these are second hand they are not cheap. They ARE reasonably priced but that price does reflect the fact that they are designer label creations.
Pam, go to (www.timeout.com/london)
They had an old article on Charity stores, and how to buy great 2nd hand designer clothes, bags, etc.
One that came to mind was Marie Curry charity store. There was another where the posh ladies drops off barely used suits, etc.
If I find the article I'll PM you. Meanwhile google charity stores, or search the timeout mag link.
Found the links!