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seattle reykjavik London

Looks like the layover time on this route is only 55 min. Has anyone experienced any problems with this short amount of time, i.e missing connection or luggage?

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1525 posts

IcelandAir accounts for almost all the flights in & out of Reykjavik. The procedure is this; over a span of about an hour, a half dozen planes come in from the US. Passengers are reshuffled & a half-dozen planes take off for different destinations in Europe. It is all incredibly simple and efficient. We've done it six times (three trips) and never had a moment's delay. I suspect if there was a delay long enough to make a connection difficult, they would be well aware of the situation and hold the planes to Europe until all passengers were on board. You might also consider doing a short stopover and stay overnight in Reykjavik. It's interesting & the area within 50 miles or so has some pretty dramatic natural features. No worries.