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Scotland- Rental Car- Insurance?

We will be renting a car from Edinburgh for three days. Does anyone know which insurance coverages are best to carry? I did check my personal auto insurance and provides no coverage. Thanks!

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10344 posts

This is Rick's advice on that subject.

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5678 posts

It really is best to get the coverage. The odds are that you are going bump those tires on the left hand curb many, many times. They check for that when you return the car! Pam

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518 posts

My insurance agent is also one of my good friends. I have heeded his advice for many years. Take out all the insurance with the rental company. Get the zero deductible. It is expensive but not nearly so as having an accident without it. We do the same in the US.

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208 posts

You might even consider taking the hubcaps off at the beginning of your trip and stick them in the boot so you don't lose them when you hit curbs, LOL! (And you probably will with parallel parking)