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Scotland in August

I'm traveling to Scotland this summer and I have various things planned, but I don't have anything yet for my last three days there. I'll be spending some time in Edinburgh, so I wouldn't mind seeing another area. Any suggestions for where I could spend a couple of nights? The only trick is that I have an early flight out of Edinburgh, which means that I should either stay close enough to get a train there early or far enough away that I could sleep on a train the night before my plane leaves. Thanks very much!

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3428 posts

I really enjoy Inverness and Aviemore. Both can be reached by train from Edinburgh (Aviemore is closer). Aviemore is in the Caringorm mts. and would give you a nice change from urban Edinburgh. Lots to see and do- see previous threads. Inverness is lovely and makes a great base but you'd lose some time going back to Edinburgh (though you might could fly???). The other place I'd suggest is York. It is about a 2 1/2 hour train ride- but a really great city with load of good shopping (markets and quaint shops and even "high street" stores and lots of jewellers).

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241 posts

Take care if you have an early flight! Trains can be a bit late - not like Netherlands, etc in uk! Also, Edinburgh airport is not in the centre of Edinburgh but further north across the Forth. I would stay near the airport for your last night.
Have a good time, Susan :o)

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5678 posts

You could go to Perthshire. It's a bit closer than Aviemore. You could stay in Pitlochry or Dunkeld/Birnam. In Dunkeld there are nice walks and you could take the train up to Blair Castle. Pitlochry has a bit more going on. There is a distillery, you can still take the train up to Blair Castle, and there is a theatre. Had you thought about saving the Edinburgh time until the end of your trip? Pam

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33585 posts

susan, what do you mean about trains being late? Across the UK over 9 in 10 trains arrive within 5 minutes of their booked time.

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241 posts

Nigel, I wouldn't bet my life on a train in north Scotland being on time unlike some parts of Europe. While most are on time, if I were going for a flight I'd take into account that the train could be late. Uk doesn't have the best service in terms of time! This is all from extensive worldwide experience (also, I'm reg on trains in Scotland and frequent use sleepers throughout europe).

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2 posts

Thank you for the suggestions. I have some school stuff planned so I won't be able to switch around the days, but I am just excited to be going! And thanks for the tip about trains- on time or not, it's better to be safe than sorry. Now I'm off to read posts about cell phones I can take overseas....: )