Will I offend anyone if I order Scotch in London? I don't want to seem like I'm disparaging their beer, but I just don't like the taste...
Can't see why as Scotland is still part of UK and they make the best scotch in the world.
Probably not. You might want to call it Scots whisky, however, or ask for it by brand.
I even happened to notice a couple stores specializing in scotch, big variety...not sure on prices since the $/GBP is so terrible right now. Can't remember names, but one was very near the British Museum.
I don't think the beer drinkers will be offended. Those gin lovers however........ (just kidding.) If you happen to be in a place where beer is the beverage of choice and don't feel like whisky, consider ordering a cider instead. My wife hates beer but enjoyed the many great ciders offered on all our pub crawls.
Every British pub and hotel I have ever been in has had whisky for sale - Scotch, Irish, and American like Jack Daniels. Somone must buy it sometime, even if beer is the most popular drink for pub visitors. Don't forget that many pub users drink Coke, wine, fruit juice, or other non-alcoholic drinks. Nobody if offended, and the profit margin may be larger than on beer. Where you might offend is in asking for tap water on its own, and expecting not to pay.