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Scandanavia-Northern Germany Ferries and Lodging

We are planning a trip in April 2013 for 3-4 weeks. As we are in need of a newer car, we're looking into the Volvo program whereby we pick up the car in Goteborg, drive it in Europe and then have it shipped by Volvo to a local dealer in the US. We've been to northern Germany in the past but have little first-hand knowledge of Scandinavia. If we do the car purchase thing we will be in Goteborg and we'd like to see some of southern Sweden (for 1-2 days), we're thinking of then taking the ferry from Goteborg to Copenhagen, spending some time there, then driving south to Hamburg and then further south to Berlin and Vienna. I would appreciate any comments on the ferry to the south between Goteborg and Copenhagen and also the ferry to the north between Kiel and Goteborg (as we'd like to sleep on the ferry on the north-bound trip). Thanks for any comments on the ferries and lodging in Goteborg, small towns in southern Sweden within a 3-5 hour drive of Goteborg, Copenhagen, any any small town between Copenhagen and Hamburg.

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