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Salisbury to Stonehenge

I'm traveling to London this March and need some help with getting to Stonehenge from London. I believe I can take a train from London to Salisbury and then a bus to Stonehenge. Here's my problem. I want to take a private tour with English Heritage with there only opening being 8am. Does anyone know if the bus systems run that early? Does anyone know where English Heritage start there tours? Would love any help regarding Stonehenge. I really want to experience Stonehenge from within and not behind a rope. So I'm willing to leave London early. Does anyone have any suggestions on how long it would take? Thank you so much

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10344 posts

Getting to Stonehenge by public transportation in time for an 8am tour? Hmmmmm? No answers yet, so here's the only thing I've been able to find: I've driven to Stonehenge, most travelers drive or take tours from Bath or London. I have seen on the web that public buses do run from Salisbury to Stonehenge, but I have been unable to find a schedule. This was the best thing I could find: the reference to Wilts & Dorset bus company, here's their site but I can't find a schedule to Stonehenge

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32253 posts


I don't have any information on English Heritage tours, but another option you might consider would be to take train or Bus to Bath and use Mad Max Tours to see Stonehenge (check their web site for details and costs). One advantage of this is that you could book an afternoon tour, so it shouldn't be much problem getting there to meet the tour.

Happy travels!

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964 posts

If you go to the wilts and dorset bus company site (hope I got that right)
and click on the 'Things to Do' button, it will show you some tours to Stonehenge.

Posted by
291 posts

It sounds like you've got special access tickets to Stonehenge for the 08:00 slot. This in not a tour. i.e. there are no guides, audio devices like during public hours and everything is shut, bar the toilets.
There is just a security guard to let you in.

Public transport stopped going to Stonehenge about a year ago from Salisbury. There is now just a HOHO tourist bus that only goes during public opening hours. There are public buses between Salisbury and Amesbury, then its about a 30 minute walk.

You really do need to book a local guide from Salisbury in advance for these special access visits, otherwise Stonehenge is just a pile of rocks in a windswept field that you will be unable to fathom out.

Posted by
12 posts

You guys are awesome..... Thanks so much for all your advice.

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993 posts

Bob, the Security guard is there for more than just letting you in. When we went the guard with us was a wealth of knowledge about the place. Windy, staying at Amsbury is not a bad idea. If you want I can find the name of the B&B in which we stayed. It was advertised as being the closest B&B to Stonehenge.

Posted by
12 posts

Thanks again to all that replied. English Heritage has emailed me and opened an evening spot for us. I'm thrilled since it didn't look like we'd be able to get from Salisbury to Stonehenge that early in the morning. We don't have the option of staying near Stonehenge since we're leaving the next morning from London to Paris. I've read these boards a lot getting ready for this trip. And I've learned much from Ken and Kent.... Thanks guys!!!!! This was the first time I had a question that I couldn't find on the board or the 15 Rick Steves books I have.

Posted by
291 posts

"Bob, the Security guard is there for more than just letting you in."

I think you were very, very lucky with the security guard on your day. I do private special access trips from London several times a month and have never seen the security guard do anything but engage in polite conversation. The security guards at Special Access are just from a local private security firm that has a contract. However, during public opening hours English Heritage supply their own people, these are normally very knowledgeable.
The only time I've seen English Heritage people at Special Access was last year when there was a archeoligical dig that went on after hours and when the Druids have a ceromony at the henge prior to a special access slot.

Most times when I do a tour for Special Access, the independent visitors who havn't got a guide try and 'overhear' what I'm saying.