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Restaurants in Kinsale, Ireland

Does anyone have a favorite restaurant in Kinsale to recommend? We will be looking for seafood and traditional Irish cuisine in a casual but pleasant atmosphere. (I plan to search this topic but would appreciate new posts as well.) Thank you.

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41 posts

We really enjoyed Jim Edwards for seafood. You can eat in the restaurant upstairs or more casually in the pub downstairs. We both ordered some sort of broiled whitefish (I can’t remember the exact type), but it was cooked to perfection and relatively inexpensive. Here is their Trip Advisor review and website.

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474 posts

Try the Whitehouse - good seafood and lamb- check out their memorial to Irish firemen and policemen lost in 911. Also had lunch at Fishy Fishy - great seafood with lots of taster plates available for about 10€ and excellent desserts. Kinsale is a great town.

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32322 posts


I have two suggestions for you in Kinsale for good food.

The restaurant in the Blue Haven Hotel (check their sample Menu on the net - the food was great!)

The Little Skillet Restaurant (which is also a guest house) - somewhat more informal but also great food.

Happy travels!

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934 posts

J.Edwards was in Steves book and suggested by our B&B host.We had to wait for a time but it was well worth it.Outstanding place.

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147 posts

There's quite a few nice spots for seafood. We really liked the Bulman, and fishy fishy.

Their seafood is OK, but a little different than what we get in the NW. Fish and chips? We got plaith once and it can't compare to cod or hallibut

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50 posts


When we were there in October we ate at the Whitehouse and in my opinion had the best seafood chowder that I came across in our travels. My husband had the usual fish and chips and it was good. Fishy Fishy we were told by our B&B was overrated and expensive, they said to find a small place that looked busy and full of locals and you are sure to find a great place!

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668 posts

We were there in September and the Spaniard was our favourite - good food and service.

Bear in mind the restaurants are seasonal and so are the chefs. Last years top spot may not have the same chef and not match up to the hoopla from previous years.