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Restaurant recommendation wanted: SE London, quiet establishment

I will being going to London in a few months and have arranged a semi-blind date while I am there. I would like recommendations for a restaurant in SE London where two people (we are both around 60 years old) can have a dinner in a classy, quiet establishment. This place should tolerate a lingering meal. I am willing to budget up to 60 pounds per person before adding beverages, taxes, and tip (will consider spending more for a real knockout of a restaurant). My date says she likes French and Italian food but that should not be the deciding factor. Three restaurants that popped up during an internet search are: Shakespeare's Globe Restaurant (I can't tell if this is different from Swan's), Skylon, and Gay Hussar. I know that the last place is not in SE London but it looks like the place that I would patronize if it were closer. Is there a recommended restaurant that is similar to this one? This is for a special evening. For the rest of my trip I will be dining at places that could be listed in the RS London guidebook Thanks.

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32332 posts

Geor, It's not exactly in SE London, but one Italian restaurant I really enjoyed was Santini's in the London Victoria neighborhood (Ebury Street). You can check the website to see if it fits your criteria in terms of atmosphere and price. Somebody told me that Sinatra used to book the whole restaurant when he was in town, but I don't know if that's true? However, if you click the "Photo Gallery", you'll see quite a few famous people, including Sinatra, Bill Clinton and Tom Cruise. Good luck with your "semi-blind date"!

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9126 posts

RSJ French Bistro. Few blocks from the National Theatre on Coin Street. Check out the review in Timeout London. Pretty much nails it.