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Renting a car in Ireland

There will be six of us traveling along the Western part of Ireland. We will be going from Shannon to Galway and then down to Kenmare. Which would be better, rent a van for all of us or rent 2 separate cars considering how narrow the roads might be? How hard would traveling in a larger car be? We would rather all stay together.

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165 posts

The roads aren't that small, well some are, but that should't be a big deal. They have full size ie. North American, size trucks and busses on them all the time. Shannon to Galway is a interstate type highway. Just take your time, the locals drive fast but I found them tolerant of slower drivers.

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9369 posts

The roads ARE that small in some places, and driving through tiny towns, with cars parked randomly on either side of the road, can be a challenge even in a small car. I would always vote for two cars over a large van. You might have difficulty finding one vehicle with enough room for six adults and all of their luggage, anyway. The drive from Shannon to Galway is on an N road, which is like a two-lane highway here, not a divided highway like an interstate. But if you intended to see the Cliffs of Moher, or the Burren, on your way to Galway you will be on R roads - the little regional roads. The main route from Galway to Kenmare is also on N roads, but if you want to see much of that area, you will find yourself on smaller roads. It won't be impossible to take a larger vehicle, but I would choose two smaller ones. Do you really want to be driving a van on the Ring of Kerry and meet up with a tour bus? There is room on the road, but depending on your confidence level, it doesn't look like there is.

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7 posts

Do you have 2 drivers who can manage a stick shift in their LEFT hand? Something to think about.

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9369 posts

Except for my first trip (when I didn't request one), I have always gotten an automatic car. But the shifting pattern in a standard is the same as in the US - just shifting with the other hand.

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2433 posts

Definitely agree with two cars, some of the roads we drove on in western Ireland were small. We did encounter a tour bus coming our way on one of these roads and we still laugh about us holding our breath as they passed as if that would make our car smaller. We rented manual transmission several times but have found automatic much easier especially for going around traffic circles, I must have some problems because I can't tell you how many times I went from first to fourth, totally skipping middle gears. My sister couldn't find reverse so many times. Just found automatic much less stressful.

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109 posts

I would do two cars, but rather than having two drivers, you should have at least 4. It can be really overwhelming and exhausting driving on the opposite side of the road at first, especially so if you end up in a little town with a traffic circle. The hubs and I made it a 2 person job, one to watch the center line and the other to watch the other side. The manual in the left hand wasn't as much of a problem for us, but the mental focus it takes to do everything in the other direction is a bit challenging.

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1358 posts

While it is possible to find a car that can fit 6 adults, the luggage is another matter. We had a Hyundai Santa Fe with a 3rd row on our last trip, and luggage was squished in wherever we could squish it. And, honestly, it'll probably be less money to rent 2 small cars than one big one. Get cell phones or sim cards over there so you can call each other on the road when you're driving.

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9369 posts

Be advised that, unlike in the US, every driver costs extra in Ireland. I have been the only driver on all of my trips, and it wasn't a problem. If you do decide to have extra drivers, check into the additional cost.

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165 posts

Nancy, most if not all of the route from Shannon to Galway is now divided highway. Just drove it in July. We were amazed at how much road construction had occurred since our previous visit in 2008.

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12 posts

We've always gotten a minivan sized vehicle while traveling in Ireland (Ford Galaxie on the last trip). Having everyone in one vehicle means that only one person has to contend with driving left side of the road (it's easy, just follow the car ahead of you), only one person is required to assist with navigation (it's easier if the driver can concentrate on traffic and driving while a passenger handles road signs, directions, etc.), and you're not likely to get separated as a result of an ill timed turn. Narrow roads are not really a problem. The major roads you are likely to be traveling on will be at least the size of a rural two lane highway in the US. Six people can get kind of cozy when you include the luggage. But distances are short and I think you will find that you are in and out of the car to look at things pretty often. If you can get everyone to follow Rick's packing guidelines, it's easier. More pieces of smaller, soft sided luggage is easier, too. One of those old, hard sided, Samsonite three suiters takes up a lot of space and it doesn't tuck well into a small nook. We travel with a carry on size bag and a day pack size backpack per person for a two week trip. We plan on ping clothes at a laundry mid trip, so we get two wearings, or more out of each change of clothes. From a cost standpoint, a vehicle with a manual transmission is much less expensive than an automatic. If you're comfortable with a manual transmission, it's kind of fun to learn to shift left handed. And the locals take it in stride when you stall out in front of them trying to pull away from a stop. If you're going to be in Limrick for a couple of days at the beginning or end of your trip, pick up the car when you leave town or as soon as you return and save a few days car rental (learned after the rental car spent three days in a Dublin parking ramp on the first trip).

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19 posts

Agree with Terry. Six of us, all women, went to Ireland in June and did fine with the van provided. Someone, who has a lot of comments on this site, said it was impossible, etc. Not so. There was not a lot of room but as Terry said one does not stay in the van all day. It was a memorable part of our trip. Lots of laughter

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28 posts

Just back from Ireland last week. 4 sisters so rented a Ford Focus from Dan Dooley. Got the full CDW, called their toll free number here in the states to make sure we had all of the coverage. Good thing as we were on the small roads in the West, lost a hubcap (well, it was in the trunk when car was returned, a few hedge marks on the side of the car.) The roads in Connemara and near Cliffs of Moher are very narrow even w/a small car. On previous trips car rental was a hassle but they were easy to work with. They are located offsite of the airport but it worked for us. I hope your trip is as memorable as ours was.

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45 posts

Hi. We just got back from Ireland last week. We spent most of our time in the west and north. At least in those parts, the roads are very narrow. I used to rally race a car and have done a bit of road racing, but I had to fully concentrate all the time to try and drive our Ford Focus at the 95km speed limit. This on roads that are undivided and about 20 feet wide. In those parts it is unusual for the road to go strait for more than a couple of hundred feet. Our first day, after no sleep on the airliner we drove from Shannon in the rain to Dingle by way of the Connor Pass. I would not have liked to be driving anything bigger than the Focus. By the time you have been driving for few days, you will no longer start reciting the Lords Prayer when a lorry comes hurtleing around a corner at you with about 2 feet to spare between you and him. I have to say though, people seem to be very understanding of other drivers, and we never had a problem. If I were going again I would be sure to take the super CDW. I did not this time and now I am waiting to get re-embursed from the credit card company. In the mean time I am out $1700. (for a small scratch, but them put the full amount of the deductable on and then in a few weeks let you know how much they are keeping.
Honestly, I would go for 2 smaller cars rather than the van.