We are meeting up with family and want to rent a house for 8 that is kid friendly. Any suggestions of companies or websites to go through?
Try www.vrbo.com or www.imagineireland.com. There is also Irish Holiday Cottages, not sure this is the correct name but something close to it. I know several people who live in Ireland and when they are looking for self catering they use this company.
There are also cottage rentals listed at Irish Tourist Board's own www.discoverireland.com.
Look at: http://www.homelidays.co.uk/EN-Holidays-Rental/110_Search/Searchlist.asp?MODEAFFICHAGE=PRIX_MIN&JOURDEBUT=&NOREGION=Not+available&ADR_LOCALISATION=-&ADR_PAYS=IE&NBPERSONNES=8&TYPE=&IDX_LOCALISATION=0&DESTINATION=&MOISANNEEDEBUT=&JOURFIN=&MOISANNEEFIN=&PK= I have used homelidays several times and got good places to stay. I would suggest that you read the description as written and do not ASSUME. If it is not listed, you probably will not get it. Plus, email owners in advance to make sure.
Look at: http://www.homelidays.co.uk/EN-Holidays-Rental/110_Search/Searchlist.asp?MODEAFFICHAGE=PRIX_MIN&JOURDEBUT=&NOREGION=Not+available&ADR_LOCALISATION=-&ADR_PAYS=IE&NBPERSONNES=8&TYPE=&IDX_LOCALISATION=0&DESTINATION=&MOISANNEEDEBUT=&JOURFIN=&MOISANNEEFIN=&PK= I have used homelidays several times and got good places to stay. I would suggest that you read the description as written and do not ASSUME. If it is not listed, you probably will not get it. Plus, email owners in advance to make sure.