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Raywood Home Services-Apartment Booking in London

Hello. Has anybody heard of or used They book apartments in London and other big cities. We are going to London in two weeks and have found this website. We greatly appreciate your input.

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4684 posts

"0203" numbers can be authentic London numbers, but they can also be redirected elsewhere. Searching online for the address in Fulham Road links to a genuine estate agency but also someone complaining about a home rental scam.

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33513 posts

I haven't used it or anything like it. I am pretty good at sniffing out website-ness, so I had a quick peekie. What would set me wondering is how one little organization can have, and know, great places in Paris, London, Rome and NYC. What gets me even more is that many of the branches are empty and one other is only lines of text. The only one that appears filled out is London. If they claim a lot and don't deliver in one aspect what other aspects won't they deliver on? I know nothing about these folk, good or bad. I'd never heard of them. Have you had a look on TA? There have been stories about people, often not actually in the UK, using photos and descriptions of places that they found on the web and scamming people of money when they did not have any connection with the property. Not saying anything about these guys, but you are right to be careful.

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4 posts

Thanks Philip and Nigel. The posts on craigslist (where I found the link) are very cheap and in this economy, are very tempting. They either require full or partial payment via wire transfer. It would make me feel better if they accepted credit cards or if there was a contact info for the owners like they do in Anyway, my family of four will be London on Nov 21 for a week. Our original accommodations at a relative's flat had to be cancelled. Still looking...

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1 posts

I was looking for an apt in Paris for the holidays and came across some GREAT offers by this company. Almost toooooo good to be true (3 BEDROOM, views of Eiffel Tower, etc. etc.....all for 120 Euros per night!) I googled their site which inturn put me to which also gave me their phone number in London. I then checked their domain, which listed a Dexter Bayack in Florida. I called the number in London and guess what, I got Dexter, who spoke with a very heavy African accent. Please beware of this one! I am!!!!!!!!!! Texas Annie

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1 posts

Please don't send these people any money!! They're 100% scammers. I was looking at one of these places and so called the number. The guy on the other phone had a pretty heavey african sounding accent and did not answer professionally at all. He also had no information about the apartments other than how much they cost. So then I put the address into googlemaps and came up with a company called "Windmill Estates". I called them and asked if they had heard of Raymond Home Services and they said no and that they were the only company listed at their address. THey also said that they knew that their address had been used by scammers before. Finally I had another look around the site and found absolute confirmation. Go to the bottom of the page and click on the "policy" link. It just repeats the text "hello sir hello sir hello sir...." over and over again. Also take a look in the terms and conditions page. A couple of times it describes the company as "Rated Home". They obviously just change the name everytime they're found out.
So watch out for anything like that! And never ever EVER wire transfer money to anyone you don't know. EVER EVER EVER!! Only use paypal or credit card so you have some level of protection.

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9102 posts

Rental scams are notorious on Craig's list. This "company" has all the markings of one. I've stayed in these London apartments and encourage you to check them out. Vancouver Studio Apartments in Bayswater. Economical, good tube and bus access, close to Paddington station, kitchenettes, comfortable rooms and if I remember a family room or two. Only word of caution, no elevator, pack light, stairs are steep.