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Private transportation from Heathrow to the Cotswolds?

We would like to get from Heathrow to the Cotswolds by private car or taxi. We do not want to rent a car and drive. Does anyone know of any companies that will do thisand the approximate cost? Also- if we don't rent a car once we are in the Cotswolds, what would our sightseeing options be?

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8293 posts

You can try the man I often use to pick us up at Heathrow. He will take you anywhere and even on a tour, if you wanted that. His name is Ray Skinner. His website is and his e-mail address is there ... he will reply promptly to your message with a quote. He is professional and courteous.

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354 posts

I haven't hired a private car/ driver in the UK before, but I guess you could try these companies listed here: Some also offer tours. Trains between the Cotswolds villages are sparse, there are some local buses, but most tourists rent a car.