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Powerscourt formal gardens

Does anyone know if there will be any flowers in bloom the middle of May at Powerscourt Garden? Thinking of going there on our 8 day trip - but if the flowers aren't in bloom - it may not be a good idea for this trip. Any ideas?

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693 posts

Why not just give them a call close to your trip or when you get to Ireland and find out what's blooming?

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1 posts

Thank you for your interest in Powerscourt Gardens. Here is a list of some of the blooms that are out in May, there are also many trees an shrubs. icentra spectabilis convallaria majalis viola in variety myosotis bellis pink buttons spring pansies erysimum cheiri-wallflowers large variety of late april early may tulips papaver orientale anemone coronaria iris germanica saxifraga umbrosa aquilegia vulgaris euphorbia japaneese primula Warm Regards Carmel Byrne
Tourism and Marketing

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655 posts

We were there around mid-May and found it very enjoyable. If you are not too far away I would include it but if the balance of your trip is far removed from Powerscourt you will have to determine how important it is to you.

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2659 posts

I was there in late May and there was plenty blooming. The gardens are beautiful even without flowers though - some of them are not flower focused anyway (such as the Asian style gardens, or the pet cemetery!).