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Portsmouth to Caen France

I am spending a few weeks next summer with my husband and nephew in England and Scotland but would like to venture into France to visit the beaches of Normandy. I know I can take a ferry but want to try to only use public transportation after we arrive in France. Any suggestions on 1) where to book a hotel close to the port, 2) tour company's, and 3) overall suggestions for doing this in two days? Thank you!

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9110 posts

You've got a bad basic premise: staying at the port. Ouistreham is about ten miles from Caen and rather grim. Buses, timed to the ferry arrivals, will run you in to the Caen train station. Caen and Bayeux are the tour starting points. There's at least a train an hour between the two. Caen was flattened and rebuilt in a rather drab manner. Bayeux remained intact and is more enjoyable. It's military museum is better and, of course, it also has the tapestry museum. You can work it all in in two days. You're about to be bombarded with suggestions for tour companies and I've used none.

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4 posts

Thank you Ed! I really appreciate it. I will start looking for lodging options in those cities.