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I've read a lot of negative comments about Portrush, but most were posted at least a year ago. Has anyone been there lately, and if so, is it still the over-crowded, "Jersey Shore" type of place? I plan on being there around the end of September. Thanks!

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175 posts

Hi Dan, I spent a week in Portrush in July of 2010. There were lots of folks there but not a bog. I spent several days visiting the various sights from Portstewart to the Rope Bridge using the local bus system. The children will be back in school so not many families on holiday when you arrive in late September. You have to work at not enjoying Portrush. Shame. I probably won't return to Portrush but that's only because there's a big portion of the world I havn't seen yet. Regards, Sean

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1806 posts

I'd hardly compare Portrush to the Jersey Shore. There is one relatively small area where there are amusement rides and carny games, some tourist shops selling cheap & tacky stuff scattered nearby and it's a little bit dumpy in that part of town. But there are plenty of spots about town where it is nice and you can get away from those things without much effort on your part. I was in Portrush in the month of July and I really did not find it felt very crowded. If you are going in late September, it will be pretty quiet around town.

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45 posts

Hi Dan,
We spent a day in Portrush the end of September 2011. At that time of year it was kind of a sleepy place, not crowded at all. While it is not the quaintest place, there are some little shops that are interesting and also a restaurant not to be missed. I have forgotten the name just now, but you cannot miss it, as it is on the main drag and had a wonderful panaramic view of the ocean. The food was outstanding as was the service. I stayed at the Beulah house, and even though it is recommended by RS, we found it just so so. Have a great trip.

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1068 posts

I think the negative comments reflect Portrush's lack of Auld Mellow Stone Cottages with gamboling lambs and stout old farmers in their weathered tweed caps. Anyone looking for quaint and rickety will be disappointed. I think the place is a HOOT. I liken it more to Coney Island - in a really good way - than the Jersey Shore. And I suspect that it won't be horribly crowded in late September, but I haven't been there at that time, so cannot be certain.

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912 posts

Rob (above) might be referring to 55 North. Ate there last year on the Best of Ireland tour, and it was marvelous. Even if the food had just been "meh," the view and the sunset were spectacular. The staff were incredibly nice and accommodating too.

Posted by
518 posts

The restaurant Rob is referring to is 55 North. We ranked it as our top restaurant out of a month in Ireland and Scotland. Be sure to eat in the main dining room upstairs with the view. Call ahead for reservations. They are really busy. Great food, views, and service.
Portrush was not bad and a good location to drive out to the attractions along the coast.