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Portobello Road Antique Market

Both my wife and are antique collectors, and have heard quite a bit about the antique market on Portobello Road in London. We've gotten some conflicting information, however, as to when the market is held. Is it Saturday, or Sunday?
Also, from what I gather, it is more like a giant flea market (or swap meet, for you folks in California) than a real "antique" market.
Does anyone here have any experience shopping this market?

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18 posts

We went years ago. Like anything well known...there won't be many bargains. It's a fun experience. It has a little of everything....antiques, junk, and food. We enjoyed Camden Passage more.....not to be confused with Camden Lock. Have you thought about going to any of the auction houses?

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264 posts

Jim - I am not an antiques expert with that said there seems to be some air of authenticity about it. Part of the Market has Swap Meet like items, however along the road there are actual shops with collectibles and what not. It could all be rubbish though :)

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3428 posts

From what I know, the "real" antiques go VERY early on market days. I believe that Friday and Saturday are Portobello's days. Yes, there is "flea market" stuff, but if you know what you want and how to recognize quality, you can find some good things. I'd also check the other markets in London- Camden, Covent Garden, etc.

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1446 posts

We have been to Portobello Road on Saturdays a number of times. Whereas we have very much enjoyed it (because we do love to look at and buy antiques) we didn't see many bargains. Seemed as if things were quite expensive. We were mostly in the shops, though there was the flea market part of it. We did, however, find the most wonderful antique lap desk there in a shop that specialized in them (about 4 years ago), and it was in great shape and a bargain compared to other places we had looked.

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1806 posts

Market is on Saturday. You can go to their website to see a list of vendors broken down by category which you can use ahead of time if you are looking for a specific item.

It is definitely a mix of real antiques, good fakes (I know how to spot them since I worked in an antique store), artisan crafts and flea market finds.

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52 posts

Portobello Road is the total sensory experience for antique collectors. You'll really refine your "scanning" skills by peering through the outdoor stalls heaped with junque to find a promising corner of something that might turn out to be worth pulling out from under the pile...why is the good stuff always at the bottom? In any event, by the time you're done spotting all of the fake Austrian bronzes and Meissen, you'll feel like a real pro. No guarantees on finding something's not vetted, so sausages, sweat socks and semi-used sippy cups all call Portobello home.

My wife and I did manage to find an outstanding mahogany 19th century salesmans sample chest with dovetailed drawers and its original brasses in one of the cramped little stores though. We almost had to buy a seat on the plane for it.

One of our favorite non-Portobello places to antique in London is Grays Antique market and Grays Mews in the heart of the West End. Take the underground to Bond Street station and ask someone where the markets are. There isn't as much shouting and belching, but there are more even. You'll like it.

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144 posts

It is so crowded it is hard to shop. There is a lot to see, and it is worth going to, but every time we have been there it is wall to wall people.You can see about anything you want. Watch your valuables - in fact - I would not take anything. A back pack is hard to move around with in tight places.

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445 posts

Have been to Portobello Road many times and it is
always crowded even in winter. Go early, and be very careful about your money, etc. Leave most things at your don't need a passport etc.
The earlier you go the fewer crowds. There is a lot of junk there as well. The good things (pricey) are in the little shops in the arcades which are usually pretty crowded as well.

Go expecting nothing to buy but it is fun for a while. There are pubs and places to grab a bit especially on the side streets of the main drag.
You might find a trinket you'd like but IMHO there are no bargains!!!

The best antique market in London is the Caledonian Market in Bermondsey which is inconvenient to get to.
I have always taken a taxi. You must go early on FRiday morning...the earlier the 6 or 7 am. It ends about noon There are some inside shops here as well. I have purchased a number of things here in the past.

Caveat...nothing in England, esp. London, is cheap.
The cost of living is higher than in North America.

Buy what you feel you cannot live without and can afford and that won't be impossible to get home.
Watch out for fakes esp. at Portbello. ALways ask if they can do a little better.

I used to buy for my shop in England so have some expereince doing this. Don't even think of sending things home as the cost is HIGH!!!!

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102 posts

We went mid-May 2009 on a Saturday. Got there about 10:15am and found it already very crowded. We walked wall to wall with people the entire time we were there. I've never been to a swap meet in CA that was crowded like this. Maybe my worse day at Disneyland would explain the amount of people there. The crowds made it hard for us to enjoy the shops, but we did find some good food and some good pastry. Go early in order to enjoy the shopping, look at the website posted earlier to see when they open.