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places to see around dorchester

We're going to be staying one night in Dorchester. We will already have done Stonehenge, Wells, Avebury, the area east into Jane Austen country and I am wondering what to see before we return the car to Bath. We'll have a day. I am thinking that Dartmoor might be interesting. We have never seen moors. We will need to have our car back before four o'clock so it can't be too far away. Any ideas? Thanks.

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2023 posts

I can't comment on Dorchester but if you are going to Wells you may want to consider seeing Cheddar Gorge. It is over run with shops to some degree, but the natural beauty of the gorge is amazing.

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1302 posts

oh , and Lynmouth/Lyton on the coast below exmoor national park.
Tar Steps, and Exmoor is lovely too , open moorland , cute vilages , and views out to sea.

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359 posts

Polly; with a short day I'd be heading south after breakfast to Weymouth for a short walkabout on the promenade; take the causeway by Chesil Beach from Weymouth out to Portland Bill, stop in one of the tiny villages on the small island/peninsula for a coffee-break (visit the penitentiary museum??), and on to the cliffs by the lighthouse overlooking the ocean/English channel.

Start heading north towards Bath, maybe a stop at Glastonbury (climb the hill to the tower?) or any one of a number of quaint, beautiful villages on your way back to Bath.

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591 posts

Dorchester is Thomas Hardy country and the city was the setting for the fictional town of Casterbridge in his novel "The Mayor of Casterbridge." You can visit Hardy's cottage in nearby High Bockhampton where he lived for over 30 years. Another place worth a visit is Athelhampton House in nearby 'Puddletown' which happens to be on the banks of the 'Piddle River'(no joke). It's one of the most interesting estates in England to explore. On your return, just outside of Bath is the well-preserved village of Lacock which has an interesting Abbey you may want to visit.